
Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, and Kevin Rose…On the Same Team Again?

Please please please let this one be true! It looks like Leo, Pat, and Kevin might collaborate on a podcast together, and I’ll be the first one to tell you, if this is true and the podcasts start flowing, I’ll be the first one to start downloading it. And lucky for all of us, it looks like it might just be at hand:

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I think this could be an excellent step for them all-having the ability to collaborate in their own way and actually do something to contribute to the masses of people who still love them and follow their every move (coughTECHTVFOREVERcough) who really want to see and hear more from them. This is a big deal to people like me, fans and friends alike, who really appreciated their informed tech commentary and knowledge, and very much miss their chemistry and dynamic.

As for them, I know this must be incredibly difficult for them all, what with Kevin still at G4, Leo doing CfH 2.0, and Patrick writing for ZDNet and ExtremeTech, and they’ll likely not see much revenue come into their pockets from doing this, so I have to default to thinking that they’re doing this for the love of technology and the love of their fans and the love of helping people, and that’s something truly amazing and inspiring. You can tell they really loved what they did, and hopefully they’ll love what they do now-especially as much as I know their fanbase will love it themselves.

I suggest everyone out there, when you can, support them in their endeavors to do this, however they make it possible.

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