
Leo Laporte on Mad Penguin: The PC and Open Source Will Outlive Windows [ ] has an interview with Leo Laporte, focusing on the notion that the PC and open source software and standards will long outlive Microsoft and Windows. What’s that you say? Never? Microsoft will always be a permenent fixture? Leo doesn’t necessarily agree with you, and he gives some very good answers to the questions of why, what’ll replace Microsoft at the top of the technology innovation world, and the future of technology.

Leo starts out with a little background to his faith in open-source and the impact it’s had on technology and the nature of the internet, and how the culture of open source and free information has influenced people, companies, and the constant battle between keeping information available and open versus large media agencies trying to keep information locked down. The conversation then moves into Leo’s opinion that the PC will outlive Windows, and why. Check it out:

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