Programming and Podcasts

Call For Help 2.0 Returning to Aussie TV!

Well, now it looks like the United States is REALLY out in the cold. It’s been confirmed that Call For Help 2.0, currently being produced by G4TechTV Canada and being aired there much to the chagrin and jealousy of American TechTV fans, has been successfully screened and will be aired in Austrailia on the How To Channel starting on March 7th! Congratulations Aussies, you have some fine programming coming your way!

More details over at The Laporte Report:
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With any luck, the advance of CfH2.0 around the globe and the eagerness with which other markets seems to be taking the show might show some other networks here in the United States that the progam is definitely worth picking up, especially while the iron is still a bit hot. People are still unhappy over the G4TechTV merger and miss Call for Help dearly.

Programming and Podcasts

MSTechTV? Can it Be?

Well, the rumors are definitely flying over this whole MSTechTV thing.

It all started with an innocent mailing list post over at Long_Live_TechTV and in the G4 Forums saying that TechTV fans may soon be rescued by Microsoft, who saw a need for technology programming and had the funding to make it happen, and pointed to the fact that (the domain) had been purchased by an anonymous figure. Also, the original source claimed to have seen it posted somewhere on the MSDN developer boards. While most people who thought through the idea dismissed it as rubbish, the rumor didn’t die there and tons of TechTV fans are hoping to the stars that it’s actually true. Whether it is or it isn’t remains to be seen, but some people more than others seem to be keeping the rumor (or hope) alive:

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More people however, don’t buy it.

As for me? I’m not entirely sure what to believe, although admittedly I have to say that Leo, being in the technology and television industry, would likely know more about these things than a couple of guys with some blogs looking to scoop each other (see the insuing conflict between the blog owners on their respective pages and in comments) but anything’s possible. I’m not holding out hope on this, but I’d love to be proven wrong. Maybe TechTV Forever will jump on the bandwagon and see what information we can dig up. Stay tuned.

Gear and Gadgets TechNews Bytes

CES Photos from the First 48 Hours

Oh what I wouldn’t give to be at CES right now! Covering all of that gorgeous technology, walking through the aisles watching vendors describe their hottest and newest products and how all of them will somehow change our lives forever, from holographic hard drives to computerized toasters. While you can expect tons of coverage from a variety of sources coming soon (CES officially opens its doors today) PCWorld broke out with a few photos and brief product descriptions from it’s first 48 hours of sneaking around, and some of the products look interesting as well as delicious:

The first 24 hours:
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And the second 24:
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Kevin Pereira Has a Blog!

Kevin P, the newest co-host of The Screen Savers and co-host of Arena, looks like he’s gone and started a new blog! Not much there right now save a few amusing entries, some downloadable goodies for Half-Life 2 and an awesome video, and of course, a link to his moblog where he’s playing with the oh-so-delicious PSP, not due out in the United States until around March, if I’m not mistaken.

Either way, it looks like Kevin P is on the blogging bandwagon, and my guess is that he’ll be looking for submissions and commentary on the show in his comments sections as well, right? Go take a look:

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Laura Swisher Has a Blog!

The Swish herself has made a net appearance! Happily blogging over at Blogspot, Laura Swisher (of Unscrewed and Comedy Central fame) is blogging regularly and giving us insight into the world of blogs, dogs, and gyms. Seriously though, she is-as always-a trip, and worth adding to your daily reads. I have, and you can always get a link to her blog on the sidebar under “TTV Staff” just to the right. But in case you’re lazy, here’s the link:

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But for the whole experience, enter through her .com; it’s way more fun that way, and it contains links to her moblog, tons of photos, and more!
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People Programming and Podcasts

Dan Huard: Life as a TechTV/G4 Employee

Dan Huard, who just launched his successful site a few weeks ago and is looking to be a tech writer and columnist in his own regard (best of luck Dan, we’ll keep an eye on ya) finally gets to sitting down and answering the questions that everyone’s been plaguing him with: “What was it like at G4/TechTV?” From top to bottom, Dan paints us a portrait of doing a job he loves and enjoyed getting up in the morning for, and the gradual slide and decline from the TechTV that we all knew and loved to the tripe that sits on that same channel now. He explains what was really happening behind the scenes, and to be honest, between this and Wil Wheaton’s escapades below, I’m impressed that the G4 management would be so duplicitous in decieving their viewers and audiences-tricks like using G4 staff, friends, and family only signal a network that’s not big enough to fit the britches they wish they had, and yet refuses to eat their vegetables, if you catch my drift. If not, just read: Dan’s an excellent writer.

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People Programming and Podcasts

Wil Wheaton Explains, “Why I Quit G4”

Good old Wil Wheaton, the guy that some of us were hoping would take the reins of TSS or any of the new merged G4TTV programming, explains why he left his position as head writer for Arena (they had writers? go figure!) and, like so many ex-G4 personalities, gives us a peek into the incompetency that is G4: TV for Gamers. Love it, love it, and thanks to Wil Wheaton for taking the time to write out his experiences on Slashdot; I was hoping that maybe he could breathe some sanity into the establishment, but it’s obvious that even with a chorus of sanity, not only will G4 not listen, but they’ll target the sane and lay them off.

Good to see Wil got out before they found a cheap reason to axe him. Read all about it over at his Slashdot journal.

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Site News

Happy New Year from TechTV Forever!

Happy New Year! From the TechTV Forever crew to you, here’s to a wonderful new year, full of everything you could possibly dream of, want, or especially, need. Here’s to making 2005 the best year it can be! Build that home theatre PC that you’ve been wanting and didn’t get for the holidays, here’s to modding a motorcycle, here’s to keeping your identity safe and secure online while doing everything you want!

And most importantly, here’s to you, the readers, the viewers, the members, and all the TechTV staff and personalites who have affected us all on a personal level. Happy new year, have some champagne, and don’t make any resolutions you can’t keep!